Can i work on idmf files with wordfast classic
Can i work on idmf files with wordfast classic

can i work on idmf files with wordfast classic

You just type - to open the explorer, which is the same key as to go up a directory in the explorer. This works with the native :Explore but makes it much easier to work with.

  • Use Tim Pope's vim-obsession plugin to store sessions that play nicely with airline (I had lots of pain with sessions and plugins).
  • vimrc then when you type :b + Tab for a buffer you will get a list of possible buffers that you can use left/right arrows to scroll through
  • Use Tim Pope's vim-unimpaired which gives b for moving to previous/next buffers respectively (plus a whole host of other goodies).
  • This automatically displays all the buffers as tab headers when you have no tab pages opened vimrc: let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1.
  • If you want the same look of having tabs you can use the vim-airline plugin with the following setting in your.
  • Buffers are the same concept as tabs in almost all other editors. I use the following, this gives you lots of features that you'd expect to have in other editors such as Sublime Text / Textmate
  • Second column: %a for current, h for hidden, # for previous, empty for hasn't been switched to.Īlso, I strongly suggest set hidden.
  • can i work on idmf files with wordfast classic

    Type partial name of file, then type, or to autocomplete,Ī snapshot of output for the above key mapping is: :set nomore|:ls|:set moreĢ #h + "file1.txt" line 6 - '#' for alternative bufferģ %a "" line 17 - '%' for current bufferĤ "file3.txt" line 0 - line 0 for hasn't switched toĥ + "/etc/passwd" line 42 - '+' for modified.Type # to go to the alternative/MRU buffer,.Given above mapping in vimrc, once you type f, It perfectly combines both :ls and :b commands - listing all opened buffers and waiting for you to input the command to switch buffer. If using only vim built-in commands, the best one that I ever saw to switch among multiple buffers is this: nnoremap f :set nomore:ls:set more:b Note: if you want all files to go to the same instance of Vim, start Vim with the -remote-silent option. With all these I don't need tabs in Vim, and my fingers find my buffers, not my eyes. Starting vim with a -o or -O flag opens each file in its own split.


    You can also use :split and :vertical split ( :sp and :vs)Ĭtrl-W w to switch between open windows, and Ctrl-W h (or j or k or l) to navigate through open windows.Ĭtrl-W c to close the current window, and Ctrl-W o to close all windows except the current one. Note: :b# chooses the last visited file, so you can use it to switch quickly between two files.Ĭtrl-W s and Ctrl-W v to split the current window horizontally and vertically. With enhanced tab completion (still set wildmenu). To switch between all open files, I use :b myfile

    can i work on idmf files with wordfast classic

    Note: you can also use :find which will search a set of paths for you, but you need to customize those paths first. With enhanced tab completion (put set wildmenu in your. To see a list of current buffers, I use: :ls

    Can i work on idmf files with wordfast classic